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What Is Treen Carving?

What You Should Know About Treen Carving “Treen” probably isn’t a word you use every day unless you’re a Scrabble wizard or a woodcarver. Treen is an English word that actually means “from a tree.” In a broad sense, then, all wood carving could be treen carving. However, treen has become a generic term for handmade wooden household items that are usually small and designed primarily for their functionality rather than for decoration. This article introduces you to treen and treen carving--the history of the craft, its unique aspects, and its renaissance as a woodworking form that’s now popular with hobbyist carvers and accomplished artisans of all ages.  The history of treen  Historians categorize antique treenware as dating from the...

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How to Sharpen Wood-Carving Tools

For both safety and precision, every wood craftsman, woodworker or wood carver needs to know how to sharpen wood-carving tools properly. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, your tools’ condition can make a significant difference in the carving process and the final product. As you master your artistic skills, you must also learn to correctly care for your tools and to help them last longer. Use the tips below for sharpening wood-carving tools to get started. How Do You Sharpen Wood-Carving Tools at Home? There are two primary stages to use when sharpening carving tools at home. The first stage uses a stone that is designed for this purpose. This technique is for when your blade has become extremely dull and needs quite...

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Wood-Carving Tool Maintenance & Care

When it comes to wood carving, like many other crafts, it’s important to properly care for your tools. The way you store them, clean them, and sharpen them makes a significant difference in how long they will last and how well they will perform.  Learning the tricks of the trade isn’t just about carving technique; it’s also about consistent and concise tool maintenance. Check out some common carving tool FAQs below to brush up on care and maintenance for your wood-carving tools. How Do You Store Wood-Carving Tools? The first step in proper tool maintenance is knowing how to store your knives, chisels, gouges, and other tools correctly. If you have been keeping all your tools together in a box...

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