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Walnut block for wood carving
Large walnut carving block for wood carving

Large WALNUT Carving Block 4" x 4" x 10

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We understand the wood carver’s need for quality, stable wood to put your time and money into.

Get started on your larger carving projects with this beautiful Walnut wood carving block.

What you'll get:

1 Large Walnut Block - 4" x 4" x 10"


Smooth, polished surfaces, free of cracks, knots, dents or warping. Sourced domestically from Virginia. 

Happy Carving!

Our Promise

As with all our products, when you purchase this carving block you will receive:

  • Excellent customer service ✔
  • Replacements for any tools that don't meet expectations ✔
  • 100% money-back guarantee ✔