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What’s a Spoon Carving Gouge and How Do You Use It?

  A spoon carving gouge is one of a woodcarver’s go-to tools for carving out concave areas. In this article, we explore what a spoon carving gouge is, how it’s unique from other gouges, and how to use it in different types of carving projects. Chisels vs. Gouges If you’re new to woodcarving, you may be confused about the difference between a chisel and a gouge. What makes a gouge a gouge? What do the numbers printed on the handles of chisels and gouges tell you about the size and shape of their cutting edges? Before we discuss the specific characteristics of a spoon carving gouge, let’s briefly review a few details about chisels and gouges in general. Here’s a...

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Dick Belcher on Sharpening Wood Carving Tools

What's Your Sharpening Process? I’m not going to bury the lead. If you talk to three different carvers, they’ll probably have three different ways to sharpen their tools. Here’s the bottom line: If the tools are sharp, and you’re able to carve the shapes and details you need with them, that’s what matters. Especially for the beginners and hobbyists out there.  Carver #1 - Dick Belcher Today, we’ll start with Dick Belcher’s sharpening process. Dick is a professional carver and carving teacher, with more than 40 years’ experience using and sharpening wood carving tools. He knows a thing or two. First, a couple things to understand: All gouges have two bevels – inner and outer. This is different than a chisel,...

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Wood Carving: Why This Hobby is So Popular

Perhaps you’ve heard about wood carving and thought more than more once about taking up the wood carving hobby, but haven’t done it yet. Here are 10 reasons why the wood carving hobby has proven to be an excellent choice for thousands of people and why it continues to grow. The wood carving hobby is: 1. Broad There are several types of hand wood carving. As a hobbyist carver, you can find a style that suits you, your time, budget, and the kind of item you want to make. Here’s a brief description of several of the most common types of woodcarving that use only hand-held carving tools: Whittling: We mention this type first because it’s what many folks equate with woodcarving. Whittling...

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How to Wood Carve for Beginners

If you’re considering wood carving as a hobby but are unsure whether it makes sense for you, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we discuss the types of carving you could do and the woodcarving tools you need.  We also address safety concerns and provide other helpful tips about how to wood carve for beginners. Why hand wood carving makes a terrific hobby There are several reasons that woodcarving is surging in popularity. They include the: Beauty of carved pieces. Regardless of the type of carving, the size of the piece, or the type of wood the carver uses, a skillfully-carved piece is a work of art. Woodcarving appeals to anyone who appreciates beauty. Breadth of choices....

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